What is W2E?

Residual household waste is the remaining waste when recyclable elements have all been removed. This filtered waste can be combusted at 850°C to produce actual energy which can be recovered as heat or electricity.

This Waste to Energy process has strong environmental implications, reducing waste volumes, landfill and achieving energy targets for countries and communities.Waste to Energy (W2E) is especially attractive to ‘off grid’, remote and developing regions providing many sustainable benefits.

What fuel is needed for a W2E Plant?

Within the waste to energy industry we refer to ‘fuel’ as ‘feedstock’. The most attractive feedstocks have the highest calorific values (If the value is too high it can lead to ‘flashing’).

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) are the 2 most common waste types generated in huge volumes that are suitable for energy generation from your waste. Ideally the feedstock should contain no more than 30% moisture.

The waste to energy process requires 4 key components:

These are the essential building blocks of any waste to energy solution. Dryers, shredders and sorters can all be added pre-combustion to increase efficiency and performance if needed.

  • Auto-loader
  • Combustor
  • Pollution Control System
  • Electricity Generator

Whats the next step?

The viability of ALL waste to energy solutions relies hinges on the quality of your feedstock and your ability to provide a continual supply of this. To establish any forecast on the generation of energy the feedstock must be analysed and tested. Once this has been done we will be able to provide some estimates on the power you could generate and what your Return on Investment would be. Typically ROI on a plant of this size would be between 3-4 years.